We honor and support water defenders worldwide, indigenous peoples, Aboriginal and local communities in the frontline, many of whom are attacked, threatened, criminalized, some of them killed for their commitment to protect Mother Earth and its rivers and waters
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following people
for their support and contribution to the project
Alberto Acosta, economist (Ecuador) , Natalie Greene and the staff at GARN (Global Alliance on the Rights of Nature, Ecuador), Belén Páez of Fundación Pachamama (Iniciativa Cuencas Sagradas) , Manari Ushigua Santi (Ecuador, Sapara nation) , Giuseppe Carlone and the staff at ZOWART (Italy), Nicolás Guzmán (Ecuador/USA), Ecuadorian artist María Gabriela Punín (Ecuador), Italian filmmaker Francesco Cabras (Italy), Austrian artist Oliver Ressler for having invited us to an artists’ residence at Q21 in Vienna to dedicate time for the further development of the project, Monti Aguirre and Bonnie Barclay and the staff at International Rivers (San Francisco, California), Alessandro Pelizzon and all the artists, academics, researchers and activists that participate in the project’s Australian “hub”. Nori Huddle, Leah Barclay, Daniel Boloh Miranda Izquierdo, Lucia Villaruel, Mauro Colombis, Elizabeth Hayek, Rossana Manosalvas of Justicia Hídrica (Latin America), Rutgerd Boelens and the staff at Riverhood and Rivercommons Project (The Netherlands).